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Holiday Giving

Sharing the Spirit of Light and Giving

The long winter months of the holiday season can be a time of fear and desperation for many of the families we serve. The Family & Children Services Holiday Giving Program offers a chance for donors to change the story for one or more families in our community. Donors provide in-kind donations, such as gifts, household supplies, and/or personal care items to those who are in great need throughout the season.

Holiday event put on by FCSV

Two Holiday Options


At Family & Children Services, the general needs of those we serve are both consistent and ever-changing. We can often anticipate the type of needs to be met, yet the exact recipient and required timing may vary. For that reason, we offer two holiday gifting options and encourage you to:

Help an individual or family – We match you with a child or family and provide information on the necessities they need as well as guidance on gifts that may be appreciated.

Donate essentials and gifts to our in-house Holiday Store – Instead of being matched with a child or family, you can supply necessities and gifts to our in-house store. The store is entirely stocked with community donations from individuals, schools, churches, local businesses, and corporations.

Often, a family’s need comes to the attention of their therapist or case worker in the final hours before a holiday. When these needs arise, store staff can respond rapidly, providing parents with gifts for their children, and more.

For needs outside of the holiday season, Family & Children Services’ Year-Round Pantry collects new items and distributes them as needs are identified.


“My family and I would like to thank you so very much for the donations. Because of your generosity, we still have our apartment to call home. Times have been so very hard the past year with the lack of work and the cold winter. I, as a father, haven’t been able to provide a steady enough income for my family. We thank you all so very much! You’ve shown, in more than words, how important it is to give.”


Holiday Giving Program

We sincerely appreciate your interest in helping families in need through our holiday giving program. In either option, your contribution will make a big difference this holiday season.

If you are interested in participating, please complete our Holiday Giving form or for more information, contact Tesi Klipsch by phone at 269.270.4763 or by email.

Make an Impact

Gifts to Family & Children Services, Inc. are deductible for income tax purposes. We welcome gifts of all kinds, including cash, checks, credit cards, gifts of stocks, IRA distributions, Donor Advised funds, and gifts-in-kind.